2015 Wish List

We were thrilled to have our “Wish List” included in Soiree’s Annual Guide to Charitable Giving. Check out our article to see what you can do to help support the Women’s Foundation in the coming year. Many thanks to Soiree for their continued support through the years.

The article can be found here on Soiree’s site, and we’ve also put the text below:

Little Rock Soiree 2015 Wish List
Photo courtesy Little Rock Soiree

Who We Are

The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas (WFA) is the only statewide foundation that focuses solely on women and girls in Arkansas. The mission of the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas is to promote philanthropy among women and to help women and girls achieve their full potential.

Wish List

  1. Girls of Promise Conference (girls attend at no cost) — Sponsor a student to attend: $250; Lodging for one student: $100; Meals for one student: $50 | Goal $50,000
  2. Grant-making endowment -— Annual grants range from $3000 – $10,000. Sponsor a grant to a worthy organization providing educational programming to women and girls with a gift within this range. | Goal $100,000
  3. Research and Report Publication — Help add to the five completed reports on issues facing our state’s women and girls by sponsoring the purchase of data sets, writing and/or printing costs: $5,000 | Goal $20,000
  4. Operations — Help sustain the work of the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas and build financial stability to ensure long-term feasibility of its work. Gifts of any size are welcomed. | Goal: Unlimited wish list

How We Are Funded

The Women’s Foundation was initiated in 1998 by a group of prominent Arkansas women leaders to create a charitable fund dedicated to investing in projects for women and girls in Arkansas. Today, WFA still receives approximately 80 percent of our funding through individual contributions. Gifts support WFA’s statewide grant-making, research on issues facing women and girls today, and programs such as Girls of Promise, which promotes interest in STEM among eighth-grade girls.

Did You Know?

In an effort to keep overhead costs low, WFA’s work is conducted by only two employees. The Women’s Foundation depends on the generous work of volunteers to plan our events, conduct research, review grant proposals, write reports or even help with our social media outreach. Let us know if you would like to get involved; we’d love to have you!

Biggest Fundraiser

Power of the Purse, held on Wednesday, September 30, is our annual fundraising luncheon held to celebrate our supporters’ roles in improving the lives of women and girls in Arkansas.

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