Additional Resources

The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas is a statewide grant-making foundation, an educational resource, and a convener for partners focused on improving the economic security of women and girls in Arkansas.

We do not offer direct services such as shelter facilities or rent assistance. Direct service providers can be found here.

For those searching for women-owned businesses, please use the Arkansas Economic Development Commission’s directory.

Here is more information on specific holidays celebrating women and girls.

2020 Save10 Webinar | Preparing for & Weathering Unemployment

This webinar covers preparing for unemployment, including building an emergency fund, as well as weathering a loss of income whether you have been furloughed, laid off, or are a small business owner experiencing a loss of income.

2020 Borrowing Smart: Finding & Building a Relationship with a Trustworthy Lender

Credit Counseling of Arkansas, FORGE Community Loan Fund, and Communities Unlimited walk small business owners through identifying favorable lending terms, avoiding predatory lenders, and managing if you already have a loan with predatory terms. They also discuss trustworthy lending products they offer, as well as some additional resources they have to help businesses weather COVID-19.

Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs in Arkansas

Arkansas Entrepreneurship Resource Map

According to The Conductor, “Arkansas is becoming the destination of choice for entrepreneurs in the heartland, with startup communities bubbling up all across the state. These growing economies receive support from a number of organizations, each with its own specialty and area of expertise. This guide is intended to be used as a tool for current and aspiring business owners to identify which organization can best suit their needs.” For the most up-to-date list, or an alternative viewing option, please check out the Google Sheet!

Arkansas Entrepreneurship Resource Map

The video is a recording of one of the 2021 Women’s Economic Mobility Hub sessions about best practices for organic social media growth. Prepared by Kelsey Blackmon and Shakayla Zoss at MHP/Team SI, the presentation is focused on helping entrepreneurs with their social media engagement.

Prepared by Alex Hanes and Lisa Schulte at MHP/Team SI, the video recording is focused on helping entrepreneurs maximize digital media dollars. The presentation was from a 2021 Women’s Economic Mobility Hub session.

The video is a recording of one of the 2021 WEM Hub sessions about web development basics. Prepared by Kimberly Harris and Reehana Musthaq at MHP/Team SI, the presentation is focused on helping entrepreneurs develop a basic website.

2020 Entrepreneurial Resource Panel Discussion

We have panelists joining us from Arkansas PTAC – Procurement Technical Assistance CenterU.S. Small Business AdministrationArkansas Small Business and Technology Development CenterVenture NoireArkansas Women’s Business CenterSCORE Mentors, & Conductor to discuss the resources they offer for women owned small businesses in our state!

2020 Get Ready to Be Ready Webinar with WFA & Woman-Run

Woman-Run and Wright Lindsey Jennings attorneys Meredith Lowry and Sidney Leasure discuss how to get ready to be ready to apply for federal funding options including PPP and EIDL.



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