Women’s Foundation of Arkansas News & Updates
Women’s Foundation of Arkansas is looking forward to a productive and exciting 2016, thank’s to your continuing support!
Thank-you for meeting the challenge!
The tribute to Lynnette was a fantastic success. Current and former board members donated $9,000 and challenged you, our supporters, to match that amount. The challenge was in tribute to Lynnette Watt’s tireless service to WFA during her six years as our executive director. You not only met the challenge, you exceeded it. The tribute raised an additional $10,340. This allows us to continue our vital work of improving the economic and social status of women and girls in Arkansas.
I cannot say thank you enough for your generosity. I was humbled – and honored – by the board members’ tribute challenge and am overwhelmed by your response. Thank you. The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas is a strong and important organization with huge potential for making lasting impact for women and girls in our state. The Foundation’s research and report-writing, encouragement of young women in STEM careers, and support of organizations serving women and girls all work together to benefit and strengthen our state. The Women’s Foundation is very near and dear to me and I appreciate your gifts to sustain and grow its work. There are some exciting days ahead for the Foundation. Thank you for being a part of its future.
– Lynnette Watts, Past WFA Executive Director
We truly appreciate your generosity and support! If you were overwhelmed by all the holiday activities, and didn’t get a chance to make your contribution, it’s not too late.
Apply now for Girls of Promise
Our Girls of Promise conference will be March 10th-11th in Little Rock. 8th grade girls across the state who are interested in learning more about STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) are invited to apply. We have very talented women STEM professionals who will mentor the girls and engage them in hands-on STEM activities. We also have trips planned to the Museum of Discovery and the Nature Center. Girls can go online to apply. You can also go online to become a volunteer. The conference is free for the girls to attend, so please contact us if you would like to help sponsor this wonderful program for Arkansas girls.