Support the work of the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas by joining us for our 2nd Annual Dine Out to Make a Difference fundraising event held on August 6 2016.
The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas has partnered with local restaurants around the Little Rock area to host a day of food, friends, and fundraising. On August 6th, these restaurant partners will donate a portion of their proceeds to go directly to Women’s Foundation of Arkansas and our programs and initiatives.
With Back to School just around the corner, WFA is raising awareness on the status of women & education in Arkansas. Did you know that approximately only 20% of Arkansan women hold a college degree of 4 years or more, ranking us among the lowest state in the nation? The focus of our work is to raise awareness about the status of women in our state and to work collaboratively and support programs and initiatives that are making progress on changing statistics like these. When Women succeed, Arkansas succeeds.
Arkansas women are entering college at a higher rate than their male counterparts, yet are graduating at a lower rate. We want to focus on programs that support women in college and allow them the opportunities to pursue their education education while also fulfilling a healthy work-life balance.
We are dedicated to helping Arkansan women and families succeed, and we need YOUR help in doing so! All you have to do is choose one of our yummy restaurant partners, grab a few friends, and chow down! Check out our Facebook page for updates on our restaurant partners.
We hope to see you August 6th in helping support this wonderful cause!