The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas and Girls of Promise ® are partnering with the UALR College of Engineering and Information Technology to host a free...
WFA's program & event calendar is bringing the community together to generate sustainable solutions addressing the issues women & girls are facing today.
WFA is seeking a summer intern to assist in the implementation of the board's communications plan through social media posts, event promotion, and collateral design....
Donate through Arkansas Gives today to maximize the impact of your support for WFA's work to teach, inspire, and change the story of Arkansas's women...
150 eighth grade girls from all across Arkansas attended the 2016 Girls of Promise conference to learn about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math...
WFA and 12 collaborating organizations convened a statewide summit, Changing the Story: Improving the Status of Women and Girls in Arkansas on March 4, 2016...