Honor a woman you feel has impacted the natural state in a positive way. This woman should have made significant and enduring contributions to their fields of endeavor, elevated the status of women, helped open new frontiers for women and for society and inspired others by their example.
Nominee Selection Process
The Arkansas Women’s Hall of Fame depends on members of the public to nominate extraordinary women for induction. Nominations are accepted from organizations or individuals throughout the state. A diverse group of Arkansas citizens is recruited to act as a Selection Committee.
Nomination Criteria:
The women inducted into the Hall of Fame have made a major impact on the lives of others and helped to elevate the status of women in our state, our nation, and, in some case, around the world. When choosing someone to honor, consider the following questions:
- Is the nominee a current or former resident of Arkansas?
- How has she positively elevated the status and positively impacted women and girls?
- Has she helped open new frontiers for women and society in general?
- Is the community and/or state better for the contributions of the nominee?
- Are people in general better because of the accomplishments of the nominee?
- Are women in Arkansas, the region, and/or the US better, has their status improved, or have opportunities increased for women because of the life and contributions of the nominee? and/or
- Is the nation, world or particular discipline, profession, or field better because of the contributions of the nominee?
Various categories of disciplines, professions or fields may include but are not limited to: Arts, Athletics, Business, Community Service, Conservation, Education, Government, Health, the Humanities, Philanthropy, Politics, Sciences and Theology among others.
Nominations may be made for specifically named individuals or for a group or class of women who may have been jointly associated with a significant event or movement.
Go to: Nomination Form